"Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." ~Richard Carlson
As I stood holding my triangle shaped, downward-facing dog position, I could feel my sweat dripping everywhere. Let's face it, I was sweating in places that I never knew I could sweat in. The temperature in the room had to be somewhere between 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit, but as a born Floridian I could totally take the heat. In fact, I loved it! The hot yoga class was so invigorating, it was as though I could feel all the toxins flowing out of my body through my pores. The 90 minute yoga session consisted of Vinyasa style movements, in which the movement was synchronized to the breath. Thankfully, my hamstrings were no longer screaming from the session days before, they were almost dancing as the heat allowed my body to go into a deeper stretch. I was ecstatic to have mastered the downward-facing dog position, which was repeated frequently throughout the session.
Downward-facing dog: The pose resembles an upside down letter V.
1. When starting on your hands and knees, your hands should be beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips.
2. Curl your toes under and press against the balls of your feet. Lift your hips toward the ceiling, fingers pointing forward and spread apart to help ground yourself on the yoga mat. Your body should make an inverted letter V.
3. Press your chest toward your knees, keeping your head relaxed, eyes on your toes, and pressing your heels toward the floor. Breathe deeply and move deeper into the pose with each exhalation. Depending on your flexibility, you may be able to touch the floor with your heels.
Okay. I may not be able to touch the floor with the back of my heels...yet, but I did feel like "Elasti-Girl" at the end of the session, believing that with just one swift motion I could roll up my yoga mat with just my big toe. Well, in truth, I rolled up my yoga mat with my hands. Nevertheless, my big toe could have done the work all the same.